Our speakers

Erik Assum
Erik works as a clojure programmer at Ardoq, a Norwegian startup in the EA-space. He’s a mainly a backend programmer, but tends to work wherever the code is bad enough. Given time he’ll eventually drift into some sort of devops role while trying to figure out how to run the current project even better.
Lately, he's been lurking around open-source Clojure projects looking for easy bugs to fix. This is his way of paying back to the community.
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Jan-Erik Rediger
Jan-Erik is a Firefox Engineer at Mozilla, working from Berlin, Germany.
He's an active member of the Rust community team since 2014.
He coached at Rust workshops & runs [Rust conferences in Europe](https://barcelona.rustfest.eu/).
To get away from computers he recently picked up scuba diving to see the world under water.
You can find him on Twitter as https://twitter.com/badboy_. He blogs occasionally at https://fnordig.de/posts/
Jan-Erik blogs at https://fnordig.de/
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Trud Antzée
Musician in a former life. Currently studying programming and data visualisation.
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Johannes Brodwall
Johannes is a veteran programmer and solution architect. He is building software for Sopra Steria that on a good day helps save lives. The last few years he has focused on regulations and technologies that can establish trust in applications. If we know who our user is, we can do anything. If we don't, our software is useless.
Johannes blogs at https://johannesbrodwall.com
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Johannes Moskvil
Johannes is a front end developer who works for the nordic consultancy company Knowit. Currently he helps Entur develop their customer support application. Entur is a large project asked with creating a common system for public transportation in Norway across operators.
Outside of work Johannes is passionate about everything football related, gaming and also playing and creating music.
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Siv Holen
I have worked with digital user experience since the Internet came around 2000. There was no education on the subject at the time, but my master in biology has helped me understand how we should work. Our systems are part of bigger ecosystems. Users and the market are are unpredictable and only the solutions most responsive to change will survive.
Siv blogs at https://blogg.kantega.no/content/1584/Siv-Holen
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Ketil Moland Olsen
Ketil has 16 years of experience from the media- and media tech sectors. He is a product leader in Vimond Media Solutions, where he is responsible for their editorial products. In his spare time, Ketil coordinates The Things Network Community in Bergen.
Ketil Moland blogs at https://ketilmo.no/
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Niklas Modig
Niklas Modig is one of the leading thought leaders within lean and operational excellence in
Europe. He has been living for extended periods in Japan and reads, writes, and speaks Japanese
fluently. Niklas currently lives in Oslo and works as a supervisor and strategic facilitator
for various multi-national companies within a variety of industries. He has taken a leading
position as inspirational lecturer within the fields such as lean, agile thinking, operational
excellence, customer orientation, learning organizations, etc. and he is frequently invited to give
keynotes all over the world. Niklas is today a global speaker with more than 1000 lectures in
40 different countries in his portfolio. Niklas is the author of the best- selling book
“This Is Lean - Resolving the Efficiency Paradox” which has sold over 250 000 copies and is
translated into sixteen languages
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Maja Megård
As an IT Project Manager/team coach Maja is known for her exceptional team-building skills, her caring and compassionate way of relating to others, and her engaging way of inspiring her co-workers.
She thinks the magic lies in the teams ability to cooperate and feel safe with each other and is eager to facilitate this whenever she gets the opportunity to do so.
She is an avid supporter of the idea that the client/supplier relationship greatly benefits a partner mindset where both parties share risk and trust.
She has played different roles in the project management universe and worked in many different types of projects, with many different types of clients. She works daily as a head of department in Kantega and thrives when she can see other people succeed.
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Kaisa Kamilla Soleng
Kaisa arbeider i krysningspunktet mellom strategisk design og forretningsutvikling.
Gjennom sin lidenskap for den digitale måten å tenke på, drar hun god nytte av å analysere hvordan organisasjoner tilbyr sine produkter og tjenester. Kaisa vet å sette brukeren i fokus og jobber iherdig for at kombinasjonen av godt innhold og god presentasjon skal gjøre at organisasjonen skiller seg fra konkurrenter og er levedyktig på sikt.
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Henriette Stokholm
I like users, exploring unknown areas, and doing things differently.
Also, I like things making sense. And cake.
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Nils Norman Haukås
I work comfortably "across the stack", doing everything from server provisioning, to optimizing SQL queries, to web development and animating with css. I also have experience with project management, user experience design and business development. What we build needs to solve real needs for real people, today and in the future.
Open sourcerer of packages, IndieWeb proponent, feminist.
Nils Norman blogs at https://nilsnh.no/
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Hulda Fadnes
Hulda is a dedicated design thinker working in the global design and innovation company Idean. She specializes in strategic design for Innovation and creative problemsolving. She is passionate about human experience and the impact design has on its surroundings. This year Hulda, and her colleague Ingrid, will take you through a session to consider the intended and unintended concequenses of your projects, in an ethical perspective.
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Morten Laugerud
Interaction Designer with a technical edge. 10 years of experience with designing and coding for the web.
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Gary Fleming
As an agile coach focussing on technical practices and software crafting, Gary Fleming tries to help teams fill the gaps they have when it comes time to do the work. Sometimes that means helping development teams better their testing practices, increasing their communication, or learning how to do reliable, well-structured, well-tested, continuous delivery many times per day.
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Anders Norås
Originally educated in arts and design, Anders has spent the last twenty years writing code. He has presented at conferences worldwide on various technical topics throughout the years. With this talk, he goes back to his musical roots and combines them with his experiences as a programmer.
Anders blogs at http://andersnoras.com
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Fredrik Lindseth
Fredrik jobber som utvikler hos Frende på dagtid, og er engasjert i OpenStreetMap ellers i døgnet. Fredrik driver også med birøkt og har sansen for frie og åpne lisenser og tilganger
Fredrik blogs at https://fredriklindseth.no
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Ingrid Sunde
Ingrid er en designer som liker å se på enhver problemstilling som en mulighet for å skape positiv endring. Hun er opptatt av at nye tjenester skal være nyttig og fornuftig overfor brukerne, samfunnet og miljøet på planeten.
Som designer tilegner hun seg bred innsikt for å kunne løse problemer på en empatisk og kreativ måte. Samhandling og brukermedvirkning står alltid i fokus, slik at beslutninger blir tatt på bakgrunn av et mangfoldig perspektiv. Hun har jobbet med design i flere år, både i byrå og i start-up.
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Vegard Haugstvedt
Vegard is an experienced frontend developer that has specialized in accessibility over the last five years. His passion is making good user experience for everyone, not Some User Experience (or SUX, first coined by Billy Gregory). He wants to bring back the "engineering" in software engineering, building software with the same care and intolerance for errors as engineers building bridges and buildings.
After speaking at an increasing number of conferences and meetups, from 2015 until 2019, he did a kind of sabbatical to focus on family and the birth of his second child the last year. He is now back, and probably has enough inspiration to continue speaking throughout the next decade.
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Jorunn Mjøs
Jorunn Mjøs is a sociologist turned Software Tester, and is on a quest to make technology play nice with people. She is passionate about security, usability, and inclusivity - in a broad and human sense.
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Erik Vetle Larsen
Erik Vetle Larsen works as a penetration tester at Netsecurity's Red Team, and is a part of Netsecurity's Incident Response Team. Alongside his employment at Netsecurity he is also doing a masters degree in computer security at the University of Bergen.
Erik Vetle is passionate about ethical hacking, incident response and social engineering, and holds talks and workshops within these fields.
In addition to a bachelor and soon master degree in computer security, he holds the GCIH certification.
Erik Vetle blogs at https://vetle.io

Thorstein Thorrud
Thorstein has been working at Skatteetaten for the last two years, implementing a new national registry for the citizens of Norway. After work he seeks out the norwegian nature, by ski or foot.
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Lubaba Farin Tanisha
Lubaba is a senior test engineer at Vizrt Norway. She has been working as a QA expert for companies in Norway and abroad for over a decade. She has a bachelor and master’s in computer science. She is passionate about making technology better for others. She is an avid reader and interested in philosophy, history, and languages. Lubaba is a mother of one and apart from child rearing she likes to spend her time on making music or climbing mountains. She is also interested in data security and trying to find the answer on how can we make the internet secured for our next generation.
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Daan van Berkel
Daan van Berkel is a enthusiastic software tinkerer with a knack for presenting technical details in a clear and concise manner. Driven by the desire for understanding complex matters Daan is always on the lookout for innovative uses of software
Daan blogs at http://dvberkel.nl
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Richard Cornelius
Richard is a broad lean-agile practitioner who is passionate about people and the amazingly broad beauty of all humanity.
Introduced to kaizen and continuous improvement concepts in the early 1990s and since then has been instrumental in the implementation of numerous agility initiatives both small and large (from 15 to 15,000 people). From his experience, there is no such thing as a sustainable target state and so he prefers to encourage people and enterprises onto a journey of continual exploration and wonder.
When not being paid for doing something he's passionate about, he's back with his other love, trying to be an ever-better husband and father. Find him on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-cornelius/
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Leonard Sheng Sheng Lee
Leonard is a Senior Engineer at Computas. He coaches various companies on build automation and plumbing Jenkins pipelines. All things configuration as code and cloud infrastructure are his main interests these days.
Born in Malaysia, had his Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, and worked a couple of different corners of the software engineering area. Claims that he enjoys Norway for its picturesque nature and unpredictable weather, and tries to prove it (and fail) by kayaking in the Norwegian fjords.
Leonard Sheng Sheng blogs at https://sheeeng.github.io/
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Hans Kristian Flaatten
Hans Kristian Flaatten is an experienced Platform Engineering Team Lead. He has lead multiple engineering teams that builds and operates Cloud Native and Kubernetes-based application platforms for large government institutions, banking and the insurance sector.
He is a Chief Consultant and DevOps Practice Lead at EVRY where he drives the adoption of DevOps, SRE and Cloud Native practices internally and for customers.
Hans Kristian is an Open Source, DevOps, and Cloud Native evangelist. He is a member of the Node.js Foundation where he manage test and release of official Node.js versions and the official Docker Image for Node.js.
He is an organizer of several local meetups most notably Cloud Native Bergen and GDG Bergen and Co-Organiser of the DevOps Days Oslo Conference. He is a regular speaker at various local, and national, user groups and technology conferences on Open Source, Open Data, Cloud Native, and other new and exciting technologies and practices.
Hans Kristian blogs at https://starefossen.github.io
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Jon Arild Tørresdal
Jon’s been an architect for most of his life, but have spent the majority of his time working with DevOps related topics. He has created and contributed to numerous open source projects in the DevOps field, written articles for InfoQ and his blog, and talked at many conferences and user groups over the years. With more than 20 years as an IT professional, he is still a developer at heart and still write code in various different languages on a regular basis. Today he is leading the SRE team at Sparebanken Vest.
Jon Arild blogs at mrdevops.io
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David Mellum
Developer at Frende Forsikring with a love for simple and obvious problem solving.
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Anne-Cecilie Haugstvedt
Cecilie is an accessibility enthusiast working as a test consultant for SOCO. She loves working in agile teams, is a proponent of automating all manual processes, and has a special interest in making applications accessible for all.
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John Le Drew
John has spent most of the last 2 decades working in the software industry, with a focus on web technologies. After 10 years as a software engineer John moved into consultancy where he quickly learned the value of team dynamics and how most technical challenges are projecting underlying issues with collaboration. So his focus shifted, while still being very involved technically, his first focus is on facilitating a safe, creative, collaborative environment.
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Mileha Soneji
Mileha Soneji, a renowned TED Speaker, believes that having empathy and being able to put yourself in another person's shoes is what makes for great human centered design.
Mileha Soneji is a trained strategic product designer, originally hailing from the city of Pune in India. She currently works at ASML in the Netherlands as a Senior User eXperience researcher & designer. Her work entails combining the fuzzy front-end of the design process with emerging technologies to answer the question of what needs to be designed in the future. Even as a child, Mileha had a keen interest in (re)designing things around her, even though she had little knowledge about the field of design. Her passions are inclusive design and traveling. Her TED talk is now more than 1 million views and counting.
Mileha blogs at http://milehasoneji.com/
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Gisle Sælensminde
Gisle works as programmer at Vizrt, a software company that makes tools for the creation, management, and distribution of graphics, video and other content for the broadcast and media industries. There he develops the video transcoding, processing and editing components that Vizrt use in their products. Before working at Vizrt he has among other worked on making a video conference system and a web browser. He has a Phd in bioinformatics from University of Bergen.
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Kristine Kjellsen
Psychologist (Cand. Psychol) and Registered EuroPsy Psycologist. Specialist in organizational psychology with experience in leadership development, management, organizational development, Google Design Sprint, business consulting, project management and change initiatives.
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Eva Kristine Kirkevik
Jeg har Jobbet som rådgiver ved seksjon for digitalisering og innovasjon i Bergen kommune siden 2008. Jeg har gradvis mistet synet og har nå vært blind i omtrent fem år. Dette ble et vendepunkt og jeg fikk merke at tilværelsen sluttet å fungere. Spesielt ble det vanskelig å bruke PC og mobil. Noe måtte gjøres, og jeg valgte å snu kompetansen over til et felt som ble høyaktuelt for meg selv; universell utforming.
Jeg har nå som spesialfelt å gi råd, veiledning og teste, samt stille krav og følge opp leverandører innen universell utforming i Bergen kommunes IKT-løsninger.
Jeg er utdannet pedagog har jobbet som lærer i ca syv år før jeg gikk over til IKT-feltet.
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Chris Dale
Chris Dale is the Head of Cyber Security at Netsecurity, a mid-sized company based out of Norway. Along with significant security expertise, Chris has a background in System Development, IT-Operations and Security Management. This broad experience in IT is advantageous when managing penetration tests, incidents and while teaching.
Chris is passionate about security -- both physical and in IT, and regularly presents and teaches at conferences and workshops. Chris holds the GCIH, GPEN, GSLC, and GMOB certifications. He also has a B.S in Informatics, with specialization in programming from Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He participates in panel debates and is invited to participate in Government related working groups, to recommend and improve the Norwegian private and public sectors.
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Felienne Hermans
Felienne is associate professor at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science at Leiden University, where she heads the PERL research group, focused on programming education.
Felienne was also one of the founders of the Joy of Coding conference, with a similar goal, which she organized for 6 years. Since 2016, she has been a host at SE radio, one of the most popular software engineering podcasts on the web. When she is not coding, blogging or teaching, she is probably knitting, running or playing a (board)game.
Felienne is a member of a number of boards:
- Scientific council of Netwerk mediawijzer
- Kivi IT board
- I&I board
Felienne blogs at felienne.com
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Livar Bergheim
Developer and open-data-enthusiast. Worked with open data and information management in Difi (The Agency for Public Management and eGovernment) 2015-2018. Now work as a developer on the national IT-components (eFormidling, ELMA). In my spare time, I help organize Booster and JavaZone.
Livar blogs at https://medium.com/@livar.bergheim/
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Ricki Sickenger
Programmer, gamer, father of three kids. Games, Backend, Frontend, AR/VR and IT Consultant. Also a hobby game developer and retro computer enthusiast. =)
Ricki blogs at http://sickenger.com
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Jelena Spocova
Jelena is a Software Engineer working at NRK, the Norwegian Public Broadcaster. She specializes in test automation and DevOps, and is currently working on NRK’s mobile streaming applications on iOS, tvOS, Android and AndroidTV. She is passionate about process, code and product quality and advocating for robust test automation.
Originally from the Czech Republic, she now lives in Oslo, Norway. She loves to spend her spare time painting and traveling.
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Kristian Lund
Kristian is a passionate developer that always strives to make things easier and safer for users and developers.
He is a co-owner and developer in Kantega that has spent the last few years working with authentication and bank APIs.
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June Aarem
Web developer with a love for breaking things apart and putting it back together, just to get a sense of how everything works.
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Geir Gåsodden
Elsker av koding og kaffe i over 20 år og var norges mest aktive utvikler på GitHub i 2018 og 2019.
Har vært en av nøkkelpersonene i digitaliseringen av Telemark fylkeskommune og jobber nå som seniorrådgiver hos Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratet på Produktområdet arbeid.
Geir blogs at https://github.com/zrrrzzt
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Stian Conradsen
Jeg elsker utvikling (bør gå klart frem av tittelen). Utvikling for meg er å løse problemer gjennom å tenke sammen med andre. Noen ganger, og det er kanskje de artigste tilfellene, så skriver vi kode for å løse problemet.
I SpareBank 1 Utvikling er jeg leder for de ca. 60 herlige utviklere. Målet er fortsatt å kode hver dag. Jeg er derfor også del av teamet som lager mobilbanken vår. Som faglig leder for utviklerene har jeg blant annet et ansvar for å sikre at vi får mest mulig ut av fagdagen vår. Hver torsdag forlater alle utviklerene teamet sitt og samles rundt andre problemstillinger. Problemstillinger vi mener må løses nå. Dette gjør vi hver torsdag. På dagtid. Ikke kveldstid!
Og ja, jeg elsker å lese. Favoritter nå er Accelerate, The Unicorn Project og Deep Work
Stian blogs at https://medium.com/@conradsen
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Hans-Jørgen Løken
Designgeek med hjerte for gode og enkle brukeropplevelser. Liker å gi omsorg til de små detaljene samtidig som helheten er ivaretatt.
Å gjøre er en ting, å gjøre det riktig er en annen.
Hans-Jørgen blogs at https://blogg.kantega.no/endring-gjor-vondt/
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Einar Høst
Einar W. Høst is a computer at NRK, the Norwegian public broadcaster. He thinks that programs should be written for people to read and also for machines to laugh at.
Einar blogs at https://einarwh.wordpress.com
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Nick Murison
Nick acts as knowledge servant and facilitator for Miles' Agile Security practice. Nick has spent the past 15 years in security consulting roles in the US, the UK, and now Norway. He quickly discovered he had a passion for helping solve the security challenges developers face. He's been part of evaluating software security initiatives and building solutions for global organisations within the Finance, Technology, Automotive, and Telecoms industries. Nick holds a MSc in Information Security from Royal Holloway, University of London.
Nick blogs at https://www.nickmurison.me.uk
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Becca Kennedy
Becca (she/her) has a PhD in Human Factors Psychology and runs the UX consulting company Kennason. She lives in Albany, New York with her husband, four cats, and many shelves of books and records.
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Eirik Vågeskar
Eirik has worked at Knowit Objectnet for two years. Before that, he studied computer science at NTNU in Trondheim. In addition to programming, he has also dabbled in playwriting, acting, journalism and music.
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Torbjørn (Toby) Larsen
Passionate people and technology leader with 20+ years of consulting and managerial experience related to business development and innovation, IT management and digitalization, system and software development, R&D and product/service management.
Currently working as Chief Transformation Officer at Mestergruppen, driving digital transformation within one of Scandinavia's leading housebuilders and building material retailers. Prior experience includes roles as CIO for the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV); Deputy Director at Oslo & Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (2011-15); Vice President in Cisco IT (2010-11); CIO in TANDBERG (2007-2010); 2 years in management consulting; and 7 years of experience as co-founder and CTO in a BI/CPM software company.
Spent 15+ years building and changing organizations. Have strong communication skills and relational competence with extensive experience from networked organizations. Also deep understanding of how boarderless networks, cloud computing and unified communication & collaboration are changing the way people work, live, play and learn.
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Kristian Flikka
Interested in software, ways we work, machine leaning and most other things too.
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Jørgen Kvalsvik
Work mostly with turning carbohydrates, fat, and protein into compiler error messages.
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Marit van Dijk
Marit van Dijk has almost 20 years of experience in software development in different roles and companies. She loves building awesome software with amazing people, and is an open source core contributor to Cucumber. She enjoys learning new things, as well as sharing knowledge on test automation, Cucumber/BDD and software engineering and blogs at https://medium.com/@mlvandijk. Marit is currently employed at bol.com.
Marit blogs at https://medium.com/@mlvandijk
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Anna Maria Eilertsen
Anna studies refactoring in software evolution and attempt to design refactoring tools for real developers. She uses repository mining and user studies to learn about developer's refactoring behavior. She is also excited to talk about mental models, education, and productivity.
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